Friday, May 18, 2012

New Migraine Journal

I have been having problem keeping track of my migraines and everything in my migraine journal like I was supposed to. Previously I had a 3 ringed binder with lined paper and just expected myself to write in it every day. It wasn't very organized - or user (Kelly) friendly.  I also had a handwritten medication list and the migraine tracker from the neurologist in the binder.

Now I have put my medication list on the computer (it is easier to update when needed - just add/delete a medication - or change a dose and reprint). I have also organized it into 3 sections: 1) Daily prescription medications 2) Daily non prescriptions and 3) Migraine medications.  Under the Daily prescription medications I first list the meds I only take in the AM, then meds I take AM and PM, and then only PM med. Daily non prescription include vitamins and minerals that I take on a regular basis. Migraine medications list the dose and states as needed. I also include the last Botox treatment for reference.  I also try to include the generic name and the non-generic name when I am taking a generic brand, as my doctors usually reference the brand name, but I usually only know the generic name - so this has helped me stay less confused!  Below is a template of what that looks like:

On the next page I have emergency contact numbers - my parents' home, work, and cell numbers.  I once had a reaction to 2 drugs I was taking at work - and nobody had my mom's work phone number (or brought me my cell phone to call her!) and a co-worker called my best friend, and she had her mom come get me from work to take me to the doctor. It worked out fine that time, but made me realize that something so simple can be very important!

After that I have one of those plastic business card holders and I have business cards for all of my doctors, my physical therapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor.  Also one for my supervisor at work.  This is a a mulit-purpose page.  It would be useful in the above situation if someone needed to get ahold of someone on my behalf - and it is helpful for me just to have all of that information in one place.
Next, I still have my neurologist's migraine tracker because this is how he likes to see my progress/problems.

Next I have created an Excel spreadsheet with symptoms taken from Migraine Brain to track many possible prodrome, aura, pain phase and postdrome symptoms - some that may not even seem related.

I have created a daily log.  I used a Microsoft Excel template that was a food/exercise chart and slightly modified to better fit my needs.  The page is front and back.  On the front it has the meals for the day and medications.  There is a spot to keept track of glasses of water per day.  There is a medictaion tracker - both used for daily preventative meds in the morning and night - and for meds taken if needed during the day for a migraine attack.  On the back page is a small spot for exercise.  There is a spot to record amount and quality of sleep, general mood, notes of physical complaints.  I added the weather spot; I have a weather display that shows humidity, temp and barametric pressure.  Finally there is a spot listed Other for any other notes for the day.  This is the second amended copy - a few changes have already been made from the first copy - but much easier to use than just blank paper to try to record what I wanted before!

Last I have blank calendars so that I have a quick reference of when I have migraines in reference to other events, such as massage, accupuncture, physical therapy, etc. to see if there is any association.  Also when I start to work out I will include that on the calendar as well.

In the pockets of the folder I include copies of my test results (MRI) and my FMLA paperwork for work.

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