Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Extreme Frustration!

Yesterday was a bad day :(  I woke up with tight muscles from my middle back up my neck and into my head into a migraine.  After taking multiple pain meds, muscle relaxers and migraine medication, I had only reached mild relief.  But I have my physical therapist and my neurologist appointments scheduled for the afternoon, so was somewhat hopeful.

Went to P.T. first, and after the electo-heat therapy was feeling rather light headed, that head (temparily) released some of the tension in my muscles.  I went into the gym and took my position on the rocking table and told the physical therapist that I was much tighter than normal and his response was that "almost all of his patients had said that today".  Did he take any extra time with me to work out that tightness? NO! Did he do any extra stretches to help me? NO! He did our normal routine and sent me on my way!

Then I went straight over to my neurologist's office for a follow up.  This is a requirement - we have to do a "follow-up" before we can do another Botox appointment per the insurance company - yay another waste of a $35 copay!  And as my Dr. is reviewing my chart he says "Yeah, its a fluke (or luck) that we did the MRI and found these issues".  WHAT!!!! REALLY??? In my mind, "these issues" are a pretty big deal!!! And probably a big cause of my migraines!!!  A fluke!!!  I mean I don't like doctors recommending unnecessary tests either, but to miss something this big for 2 1/2 years!!!

Same thing with my original chiropractor.  She never did x-rays.  Again maybe not on the first appointment, but after 2 years of playing with my spine, you would think she might be able to feel that something might not be right and that we might want to look deeper than just continue with adjustments!

It just feels like there have been so many times in the past several years that someone might have taken a moment to look at the bigger picture!

So after my appointments last night and after the temporary relief wore off, I could feel the tightness and tension set back in - and I knew last night that this morning would be painful again.  I took my muscle relaxers and my pain meds, as per my doctor's prescription and took an Imitrex to try to ward it off... but no such luck!

I know my body better than any of these people and it's frustrating that I can't get them to listen or understand.  I'm excited to go see Dr. Jones tonight because he takes the time to listen to me and feel out my body a little and make small adjustments to our plan to try to help what I need on any given day!  Best choice I have made in the past few months!!!

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