Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Midnight Pain

I never used to wake up with migraines.  Prior to visiting the neurologist - I would only ever start to get migraines in the mid afternoon.  This change in pattern is one of the reasons I started seeing the neurologist.  I have never woken up because of the pain, but I have woken up with pain - or been woken up and realized I had a migraine.  For example, kid comes in in the middle of the night and wake me up and I have a migraine.  Or last night, when my boyfriend came home from work at midnight, I woke up to the sound of him coming to bed - like normal and the pain was so intense I don't think I even picked up my head to kiss him.

I started reading a book yesterday The Migraine Brain (recommended by my neurologist).  I have already read 3 chapter - very good information!  One of the things I have read so far is that people with migraines know when they are going to get migraines even if they can't explain why or how they know.  It gives a list of things to specifically look for - common symptoms that people experience before migraines to help you identify when a migraine is on its way.  These symptoms can start anywhere for hours to days before the migraine starts.  Last night as I was getting ready for bed I had that "know" sensation that I was probably going to have a migraine when I woke up (didn't expect it at midnight).  The only symptom I specifically remember was a stiff neck and that I could not pop my neck on my own (usually I can pop my neck).  Before bed I didn't get up to take my meds, which may have been part of my problem.  I have been reluctant to do so because my insurance will only allow me 9 per month - so I don't want to "waste" them if I am not actually having a migraine.  But I may be actually causing more problems.  Reading from this book, it explained better how the triptans (migraine meds) work.  They are not pain relievers.  A migraine is a chemical change in your brain.  The triptans actually work to counter the chemical change to get the brain back to normal.  The earlier the triptans are taken, the better - like in that beginning "know" phase before the pain sets in.

So continuing with last night's ordeal.  I did manage to get up and take my meds last night and go back to sleep.  When my alarm went off this morning at 6 - still extreme pain (this sucks!!!) took more meds, and set alarm for 7:30 to take the lil person to school.  Had to get up at 7:30 with that alarm.  I hate that even my daughter notices when something is wrong.  Took her to school and came back home and crawled into bed.  Woke up around 11:30, but still laid in bed until around 12:30 - not ready to get up yet.  The throbbing was gone, but still had lingering pain.  Over the past few hours I have moved into the "hangover stage".  Tonight I do have a massage and chiropractor appt scheduled.

Also I did order a weather reporter thing last night - it reports indoor and outdoor temp and humidity and also barometric pressure.  I am going to start keeping track of these to see if changes have an effect on my migraines.  This should be coming in the next week to two weeks.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gotta Start Somewhere

I have been suffering from migraines since Junior Year of High school.  (I'm now 26.)  I distinctly remember I would get them during 7th hour Physics and they would last 24 hours - until 7th hour Physics the next day.  I would come home and my parents would see "the look" and I wouldn't have to say anything - they would know.  I would go up to bed - usually sleep all night.  Over the years the patterns have changed.  For a while in college I would actually vomit from them.  Happily this has not happened for a few years although I do still get nauseous.
Last February (2010) I started seeing  neurologist for them for the first time because my absenteeism from work was starting to affect my job.  I am on preventative medication.  He wants me to keep a food diary because he strongly believes I have food triggers.  I am less convinced - and have been avoiding this for over a year now.  I work full time, have a 1st grader, my boyfriend has a 3 1/2 year old we have 4 days - I just don't see how writing down every food I put in my mouth fits into my schedule.  However after a year and a half I am finally relenting and going to make an honest effort at making some real changes to try to take control over my migraines.
My dad had migraines when he was younger and he did outgrow them!  So I'm crossing my fingers that one day... but until then I don't want to continue to suffer!
I have been seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist fairly reguarly (at least monthly) and I do notice that the more consistantly I see them, the better my head is.  I have known for years that I hold a lot of my stress in my upper back, shoulders and neck and when those get too tight - my migraines start.  So I do know that a trigger for my migraines is body related (one reason I am hesitant with the food diary).  I also know they can be related by the weather.
My boyfriend used to be a physical thearpist assistant, so he has been helping me with some stretches and exercised to keep those muscles loose also.  I have been doing them a few times, but need to be consistant with doing those every day.  About 2 weeks ago he helped me make the realization that Junior Year was when I stopped playing High School sports (when I stopped consistantly working out all the time) - so I need to make it a priority to start a regular workout routine. 
I need to find an easy way to start recording everything - and that is the most daunting task for me.  Because without that I am not going to be able to find out what is or is not working.  So making changes won't be helpful.