Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Plan of Attack

Went and spent 2.5 hours with my neurologist yesterday.
I got an EMG done. If you've never had one (or never heard of it, like I hadn't) let me explain. It is a test to see how the nerves and muscles are reacting.  So they put little metal tabs on my hand and then shocked different places up and down my hands and wrists and arms and the machine was recording the responses. Sometimes it just made my hand jump - sometimes it actually hurt a bit.  Then came the muscle part - they kept a few of the metal tabs on and then took a needle that was also attached to the machine and would stick that into different muscles up and down my arm and then make me push against the doctor to work that specific muscle. This one tended to hurt more! But overall he said the results looked good!
We went over the MRI results in more detail from earlier in the month and (especially after my muscle test) he said I could start doing normal activity; some light lifting - no helping anybody move or anything like that. He suggested the epidural shot (which I supposed is the cortizone). I asked about physical therapy - so we have decided to try that first. I also asked about trying yoga to help stretch out my neck and shoulder muscles; he suggested waiting on that for now because some of the poses could potentially hurt my neck. He did think pilates might be better (going back to the building muscle thing).
He also was concerned about my stress level. I told him (and the nurse) that I get migraines, I miss work, I don't get paid, I don't have money, I get stressed, I get migraines - I'm stuck in a endless loop. The both laughed, but know it's true. He suggested seeing a psychologist to help with my stress level and also prescribed a anti-anxiety med that will help with the stress and also help sleep!!! Maybe I won't wake up at 4am several nights a week - that will be nice!
Next Botox appointment is set for June 7th - hopefully it will help even more this treatment - and hopefully by then these other steps will improve my neck/back.

So recap:
Start physical therapy - 2x a week for 6 weeks
Start working out (perhaps pilates - no yoga)
Continue with massage therapy
No chiropractor - at least not neck adjustments - only lower back
Start accupuncture (this was my own decision - have an appt on Mon Apr 30)
Strongly consider psychologist for stress management

Added Naproxen (Stronger NSAID) 2x daily for constant neck/back pain
Added Elivin at night for anxiety/stress/sleep
Continue all other meds
     Zalaflex - muscle relaxer - at night
     Topimax - migraine preventative - morning and night
     Dolovent - specialty migraine vitamins - morning and night

Oh and most important - I am re-making my migraine folder/diary - so it is more Kelly friendly! I have been very lax in using it consistenly :( Shame on me.  So that is another big action step!!!

I also got my weather meter set up! It has inside/outside temp and humidity and barameter so I will start keeping track of that as well in my new migraine folder - once that is set up!

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